Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Steven Vest

#1 I live in Rexburg, Idaho

#2 Married Allison Andersen of Idaho Falls on April 30, 2005.

#3 Two children. Boy, Taylor Matthew, age 3. Girl, Olivia Kate, age 8 months.

#4 I work for the Rexburg Vision Center as a CPO/Lab Technician. Have been there for 6 years. Finishing up a Bachelor Degree in Communications at BYU-Idaho. Plan to go to BYU-Provo to work on a Masters Degree in Digital Media. I plan to work in the post-production of motion pictures.

#5 I have traveled a bit on yearly vacations here and there, but nowhere really special -unless Las Vegas counts (I've been there too many times to count!!). I went on an LDS mission to the Portugal Lisbon South Mission and the Cabo Verde, West Africa islands. I have served in the Rexburg Temple as an Ordinance Worker for the last two years. I have also served in a Stake Presidency as the Stake Executive Secretary and was recently asked to be the 1st Counselor in our ward bishopric.

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